A Day in a Wizard’s Life

“A Day in a Wizard’s Life” is an animated playblast created for my Thesis on Lighting Design in Animation. Due to the difficulty of exporting the animation in final quality, the playblast is meant for the audience to understand movement and storytelling.

The animation was created in Maya and video editing in After Effects.

Tamagotchi Dreams

“Tamagotchi Dreams” is an animated short created in After Effects and illustrated in Procreate.


“Puff” is an animated loop created in Notch. Skulls were generated in Cinema 4D.

Always Watching

“Always Watching” is an animated short created in After Effects and illustrated in After Effects.


“Galaxy” is an animated short created in After Effects 2020. Textures used are from RocketStock, Nebula.

Unfortunate Event

“Unfortunate Even” is an animated short created in Cinema 4D and edited in After Effects.


“Torri” is an animated loop created in Notch. The Torri Model was generated through Cinema 4D.